Saturday, May 2, 2009

Miss Independent

Avery had 2 "big girl" moments today. This morning was her 2nd crack at swimming lessons all by herself. We had tried last spring, but she just wouldn't get in the water without me. Well, we put it off for a year and today was her first lesson. She sobbed for most of it, but she stayed in the pool for the whole 1/2 hour with a little bit of stern, but helpful encouragement!

Then this afternoon, she stayed with Blake at a birthday party all by herself. (and this was a party for 7 year old boys--she got to stay because the older sister goes to the same daycare as Avery and they get along great together.) She just gave us a few hugs and kisses and then we took off for the driving range for a couple of hours and let them be. The mother said she did great and didn't ask for us once!


Quirkyteacher said...

I registered Devin for swimming lessons this summer and am "really' praying for a miracle that he will do it! He has no qualms about us leaving him for nursery school, daycare or with babysitters, but he often refuses to do things we need him to do with strangers - like sit for a photo or get a haircut. He doesn't love the pool, so I just pray he has a good lifeguard who knows how to handle him.

Karen of the KAGS said...

Daisy & doodlebug did awesome at swimming today too - but they've both been really good at just getting in and going for it - good job too - cos you know I don't do public displays of swimwear!

Jenn said...

Joshi's next swim class is supposed to be on his own. I'm not sure how it will go. We sat out this round of lesson's though. So maybe he'll be ready for the next set.

I remember you had one of your 2 in the Teddy Bear's picnic thing. How was that?

Kari said...

great for avery... I was a sit at the side of the pool and cry kind-of-a-girl myself.... so I was glad my kids loved swimming... I mean really I can see how frustrated my mom was driving 45mins one way for my 30min class and all I did was every year we did this...until I was far enough in the colors to swim- god I think I had at least 2-3 tries at every color before I passed....and to this day I hate the water but LOVE the beach and Swimwear is my weakness! although as I get older I realize that I may need to change and start collecting shoes or purses!

Saucy said...

Keep her going at it with the promise of a local blogger pool-party at Saucy's house one fine day this summer... would that be incentive enough for her? An afternoon of swimming with Loopy, Daisy, Doodlebug, The Sprout, Jenn's little vampires, and Kari's D&D???

Cupcakes WILL be served.

Saucy said...

Oh and of course Rhys and Kenadi too!