Saturday, January 23, 2010

Avery's 5th birthday

Avery turns 5 on Wednesday, so today we celebrated her party with her friends. We took 7 girls to the Walmart build-a-bear and then next door to the McDonalds for lunch.

Avery picked a penguin and named it "Keta"--(she also has a white cat named Keta as well--named after her very favorite white cat she's known since it was just a tiny little kitten rescued off of a farm)

All the girls got to decorate a white T-shirt for their animals. Avery of course colored hers in rainbow colors. She was the last one to finish and I'm sure would have sat there all day coloring it if she could have.

I was very, very, very impressed with the staff at this location. She was excellent with the girls and the whole thing ran so smoothly. She even came next door to the McDonalds to see how the girls were doing. I would definately recommend this for a birthday party to anyone!

Finally cake--in rainbow colors of course--and presents. Then home to open all those difficult boxes and play with each and every gift she got.

To end the day, Kari and Danica came over for supper and brought a just finished rainbow cake over--see her blog here. It looked awesome and tasted soooo good. Then the kids headed back over to Kari's for a sleep-over which left mommy plenty of time to play with her laptop while lounging in bed. Of course I first had to shovel the driveway for the 5th time today----but I'm love, love, loving this snow----hopefully a good sledding day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Wondering if your sledding was a go??? I stayed inside and got lots done!! and rocked out with rock band =O