Of course, he needed to have a Mario cake..
Here he is after he got a strike..
Of course Miss Avery had to pose for a picture as well...
And then on his actual birthday, Dale and I gave him our present....
A tackle box with tackle (Dale picked it out, go figure!). Blake was so excited, he loved opening up all the tackle/hooks and placing them in just the right spot in the box. His Grandma gave him some money and when we first asked him what he wanted to do with it he actually responded "put it in the bank" (I teach him well!) But then Dale had to open his mouth and say to him "don't you want to take it and buy some toys or something with it" So Blake changed his mind and said he wanted to buy more tackle with it---well, I let him go to Toys R' Us and he picked out hot wheels set for 30.00 and the rest went in the bank!
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