Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thank goodness my awful stretch of a week is over. Of course it seemed fitting that we had an awful thunderstorm Friday night. I always wake up when they start and then have a hell of a time getting back to sleep. The power went out and Blake woke up in the middle of the night scared because he had no nightlight on. He ended up sleeping with us the rest of the night. I love when he comes to bed with us, but there is a reason I never let him sleep the whole night. Mommy only gets about 2 hours of sleep because he moves around way too much. Just when I was almost dozing off to sleep, then "plop" --a little hand lands right smack dab in the middle of my face. And why is it that they tend to migrate closest to mommy, leaving daddy with half the bed and me with one inch?!?
Have had some great days since. Saturday night after work we took the kids bowling. There was no one there-wishing I would have brought my camera-I didn't because I thought it would be busy and I'd spend most of my time trying to keep the kids in our own lane. Avery bowled with her daddy. She'd stand there in front of him and he'd help her throw the ball between her legs. Great picture opportunity!! Then when she got sick of bowling she danced around the lanes to the music. Blake had a blast as usual. He's starting to get frustrated when he doesn't get alot of pins down, but when he gets all of them down then he's very excited. He thought that he gets a strike when all the pins go down after 3 balls and was a little disappointed when the big "X" didn't show up on the screen for him. We explained it to him and he was actually alright with that. He even got a legitimate spare one time!
On Sunday we took the kids to "Crickle Creek" mini golf and then Dale took Blake to the driving range while Avery slept. That night Dale and I went for supper to the "Keg" and then to Mamma Mia. What a great show. It was unlike any musical I have ever seen. It was so funny and I completely forgot how much I like ABBA songs. I would absolutely see this one again.
Today I took the kids out to Pike Lake to spend some time with Dana who's camping out there for awhile. We had lunch, took the kids to the beach and then went mini-golfing. Unfortunately, Avery took a tumble running to the mini-golf course and skinned her knee and elbow. I don't know if she was more upset because she hurt herself or because she couldn't find this small little bouncy ball she had been carrying. She cried and cried and cried and cried and kept yelling "ball, ball, ball". Thank goodness we found it. It was kind of a train wreck after that. It took awhile to get her calmed down and then everytime she moved she cried. I suppose it didn't help that she was due for a nap. Ice-cream and a freezie seemed to get her back to her happy place and then she fell asleep on the way home. I took a really long way home and drove very slowly in order to let her get enough sleep for the day.
The last few days, I feel like Blake has made some progress with his speech. He's corrected himself a couple of times without us saying anything. Also, when he does pronounce a word wrong, he actually listens to us when we correct it and he repeats it correctly. He used to get mad and say "stop mommy, we're not doing my words!" He also seems very happy when he does say it right and "can't wait to show Grace". Hopefully he's finally grasping the idea of putting these words correctly into everyday conversation to get people to understand him.

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