Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A day with Avery

Today was a great day. I got up early and hit the 6AM gym class, so that I could spend the whole day with Little Miss Avery. We first went and dropped off our passport applications and then did some leisurely shopping at Wal-mart and Dollerama. Back home for quick lunch and then we were off to the school to see Blake for a little bit before his lunch-hour finished.

Avery had to ride her new bike (courtesy of Kari). She loves it-she wants to ride it everywhere and she's getting really good at it too! While on our way, we ran into some new neighbours who have moved into our grasslands right next door. Aren't they cute!

Avery just loved
feeding them through the fence and kept asking me to give her more branches ("more please, more please....") When the goats would walk away, she'd yell "go-ats, go-ats, come here"

Once I finally got her pulled away from the goats, we continued our way to her favorite new park at Mother Teresa. It's such a great change from the old wooden structure that used to be there. Much more small kid-friendly. There is also a rolling slide like the one at the Fun Factory, but they were fixing it, so I wasn't able to get a picture of her on it. And that's her favorite thing!!

We headed back home, so of course we had to stop and see the goats again. However, this time there was a worker there filling up there water dishes and he told us he had some time to take us in for a closer look, so we got to go right into their pen. I couldn't get Avery to let go of my hand to get a good picture of her with them. I guess her love of goats needs a fence in between!

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