Monday, October 6, 2008

Okay, honestly where does the time go? I thought it's only been a couple of days, but in fact it's been almost 2 weeks! Seems like the weather around here. Completely sunny and hot last week and now cold and rainy this week.
I'm so glad it was so hot last week as I had a field trip to the zoo with Blake on Tuesday and another one with Avery on Thursday. I didn't get any pics of Blake, but I had to get some of Avery--it was her very first field trip after all.

We didn't go into the zoo, but instead had a scavenger hunt throughout the forestry farm. Notice the beautiful color of the leaves. I love fall! Avery especially liked picking up pine cones. I think she got enough to make a mini pinecone house. This week, they are going to use everything they collected to make a craft. I can't wait to see what it will be.

The next day, I didn't work until the evening, so I took Avery back to the zoo, since we didn't get to see the animals on her field trip. We got there 45 minutes before it opened. (I didn't think of the fall hours!) So.. we walked to the pond and spent the entire time there throwing rocks into the water until the zoo opened up. What a simple thing to do, but no better way to spend time with your kids. Avery kept laughing at the geese that would come in for a landing on the lake. It was just me and her-no other people and no distractions.

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