Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lots of fun scrappin' with the girls at Leica's scrap event. This year we were Retro Housewives and of course we won for the best dressed table/theme. (so maybe it may have been by default since we were kind of the only ones really dressed up). Anyways we had a blast! Can't wait for next year, but I may have to be a little bit more prepared and dress a little warmer. Hard to scrap when you're shivering so much!

He's 7 !!

I can't believe that I now have a seven year old! Blake celebrated his birthday at the bowling alley again this year. He originally wanted it at FuddRuckers, but I told him that if he wanted it there he could only invite 5 or 6 friends, but if he wanted alot of friends, he needed to have it somewhere else. He decided that he wanted to have alot of friends, so we invited 16 boys--12 of the them were able to come! It actually wasn't all that bad--I was surprised at how well they all behaved, but next year I think we'll have to keep it a little smaller--I'm getting too old for this!

Of course, he needed to have a Mario cake..

Here he is after he got a strike..

Of course Miss Avery had to pose for a picture as well...

And then on his actual birthday, Dale and I gave him our present....
A tackle box with tackle (Dale picked it out, go figure!). Blake was so excited, he loved opening up all the tackle/hooks and placing them in just the right spot in the box. His Grandma gave him some money and when we first asked him what he wanted to do with it he actually responded "put it in the bank" (I teach him well!) But then Dale had to open his mouth and say to him "don't you want to take it and buy some toys or something with it" So Blake changed his mind and said he wanted to buy more tackle with it---well, I let him go to Toys R' Us and he picked out hot wheels set for 30.00 and the rest went in the bank!

Monday, March 30, 2009

So Far Behind

Don't you hate those days that you have off of work, when you think you're going to get sooooo much done and then you do nothing. Yup, that's me! I can never get on the computer when I'm home with the kids, so I always have to wait until they're in bed. This past weekend I thought I'd get caught up on blogging, putting my scrap stuff away (no, I still have not unpacked it!), laundry, ironing, etc, etc, etc....What did I do---nothing, well not nothing...I did sit on the couch watch a bunch of TV and stuff my face with chips and now I'm left feeling guilty and trying to get caught up on all the stuff I should have finished in the last couple of days. I'm starting with my blogging...so I'm going to sit here until I have all my posts done and then I won't have to worry about it for the next few days!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

she's so funny!

Avery and I were sitting on my bed and I was eating a muffin.
Avery says to me "do you want 2 or 3 or 4 muffins?
I said "Oh, I can't eat 4 muffins. Mommy would get fat if she ate 4 muffins"
Avery (pointing to my maternity photos on the wall) said "Like that?"
I said (pointing to one picture): "Blake's in mommy's tummy in that one" and "you are in mommy's tummy in that one"
Avery said "because you eat me?"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Have made a couple of great purchases from the internet lately that I wanted to share with you. This first one was Blake's birthday invitation. I searched and searched and searched for somewhere in Canada for Mario themed birthday supplies and NO-ONE carries them. I was willing to pay for the invites, but I am going to make my own plates as I can't justify paying 30.00 US just for shipping a few plates.. I purchased these invitations from this website:
I highly recommend this.. she was very prompt in communicating with me and processed my order faster than I could say "Mario". Great product and she has lots of different themes.

The second place is this website: ordered the cutest aprons off of here and again she was wonderful! Very, very, very fast service and extremely friendly. Can't wait to try the free tea she also offered to send us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sleep Tight

Blake was sick today. He was complaining yesterday after school that his head felt "hot" and I thought that he may be getting a migraine, so I gave him some Advil and he was totally fine after that. Ate a good supper and played hockey. But then he woke up at 2:30 AM and said he was hot again...I felt his head..and he was burning up. While I was going to get him some Advil he ran to the bathroom and threw up. Dale ended up sleeping with him and said he was fine the rest of the night. He was fine in the morning, so we sent him to school. At 10AM, his teacher called me at work and said he was burning up and was crying. This is one time, where I love that Dale and I work shift work..even though he was supposed to work 11-7, he changed his shift to go in at 3-10 and I was able to stay at work until 2. He was fine for the rest of the afternoon although we kept him dosed with Tylenol and Advil (I should get a royalty for advertising these companies!) which kept his fever down. He didn't eat much, but he never threw up again...still wondering if he has a virus or if he did have a migraine. Not common to have a fever with a migraine though and lots of kids have been sick in grade one. I'll have to keep this episode in mind while I following his headache history.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hockey night.

Blake played at the Blade's game tonight. Even though they only get to play twice for 5 minutes each time, he has alot of fun. He definately isn't passionate about hockey, but he loves playing in tournaments and games like these, so he skates pretty hard.

Avery enjoyed most of it too, especially getting her picture taken with the "monster." I wouldn't hear the end of it until we tracked him down and got a picture.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love fruit pizza and I must admit I'm very good at making one. Doesn't this just make you think of summer and barbecue weather. Just sit back and close your eyes and pretend you're taking a bite. Whatever you do, don't open your eyes and look out the window!!! I don't think Jack Frost wants us to ever see summer!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Goalie Time

Blake finally expressed his desire to try and be goalie during one of their hockey practices. Every kid gets a turn, but Blake has always said he's never wanted to do it. Well, apparently he changed his mind so we got him all geared up. I honestly thought there was no way he'd fit into the equipment, but Dale practiced getting it on with him at home first and I was surprised that it didn't look bigger on him than it did.

He had a hard time skating in it (especially trying to get back up on his feet when he'd fall), but again I was surprised at how fast he could actually go carrying all that extra weight. He tried really hard and actually stayed out there for the entire hour (Dale and I thought he'd want to get out of all that equipment after awhile). He had fun and certainly proved all our thoughts wrong!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A little bit of spring

Avery and I wanted to share a little bit of spring with you in hopes that this winter will soon end.
A beautiful eggshell and pipecleaner tulip bouquet. My little princess likes to pose now whenever I take her picture.